Cloud-based web application firewalls vs traditional WAFs

November 29, 2021


Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are an essential component of any organization's security infrastructure that protects web applications by analyzing, detecting, and blocking malicious traffic. However, with the rise of cloud services and the need for flexibility and scalability, cloud-based web application firewalls have become a reliable and efficient alternative to traditional WAFs.

In this post, we'll compare cloud-based WAFs with traditional WAFs, highlight their pros and cons, and provide you with the necessary information to help you make an informed decision.

Traditional WAFs

Traditional WAFs are typically deployed on-premises, and they require dedicated hardware and software installations, which can be costly and time-consuming. They operate based on a set of pre-configured rules that analyze incoming traffic and block requests that match known attack patterns.

Traditional WAFs are ideal for organizations that have a large security team and a dedicated IT infrastructure that can support the hardware and maintenance required. They provide a high level of control over the application, and they can be customized based on the organization's specific needs.

However, traditional WAFs have some drawbacks. They can be expensive to deploy, and they require continuous updates to keep up with the latest threats, which can be a significant strain on an organization's budget and resources.

Cloud-based WAFs

Cloud-based WAFs, on the other hand, operate in the cloud, and they do not require any infrastructure or hardware installations. They are a cost-effective solution that can be deployed quickly and easily. Cloud-based WAFs use machine learning and heuristic-based rules to analyze and detect malicious traffic, allowing for rapid identification and blocking of threats.

Cloud-based WAFs provide a higher level of scalability and flexibility than traditional WAFs. They can be easily scaled up or down, depending on the organization's needs, and they do not require any additional hardware or software installations. They are ideal for organizations that want to reduce costs associated with the maintenance of traditional WAFs and increase their security posture.

However, cloud-based WAFs have some potential drawbacks. Organizations need to have trust in the provider's security measures, especially when dealing with sensitive data. Additionally, some providers may lack the ability to customize policies to an organization-specific application's needs.


Here's a quick comparison of cloud-based WAFs vs. traditional WAFs:

Cloud-based WAFs Traditional WAFs
Deployment Cloud-based On-premises
Cost Cost-effective Expensive
Hardware & Maintenance No hardware or maintenance required Requires hardware and maintenance
Scalability Highly scalable Limited scalability
Customization Less customizable Highly customizable
Security Requires trust in provider security Offers control over security measures

In the end, what you choose depends on your organization's specific needs, budget, and security posture. Both traditional WAFs and cloud-based WAFs have their pros and cons, and the decision should be based on multiple factors.


Web Application Firewalls are essential for preventing attacks against web applications. Cloud-based WAFs provide a lower cost of entry and greater scalability, making them an attractive option for many organizations' security portfolios. In contrast, traditional WAFs provide a high level of customization and control over security measures.

By balancing the pros and cons of both options, you'll be able to choose the solution that's best for your organization.


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